Dot TK - Free Domains for All

Dot TK is top level domain name registry that provides free domain names. It allows you to register a domain name maximum of 12 months free. It is powered by freenom and online since 2001. Dot(.) TK is a joint venture of the Government of Tokelau, a country in the south pacific, the countries communication company Tokelau and BV Dot TK, a privately held company.

You can easily register a free domain here and connect it to any web hosting company line 1freehosting or 000webhost. After the initial 1yr you can extend the domain name or just cancel it. You can renew free domain in the last 15 days of each registration period - (15 days before expiry date). When you pay for a domain name, you can register from a 2yr to 9 yr period.

Instruction to follow:
  1. First you need to go to the dot tk official website (click here) and choose a domain name and then click on Go button.
  2.  Now you have your domain name and then fill up the form -  
  •  Use your new Domain: Here you can forward this domain  or Use DNS to connect with any web hosting company (choose Your own DNS).
  •  Registration length: Choose registration period up to 12 months.
  • Then type the captcha and sign up using any social account like gmail or facebook.
      3. Create your own website.